Don Bosco International aims to make known the great training provided in Salesian T-VET centres and the intense cooperation that exists with several businesses through apprenticeships. This now common practice was initiated by Don Bosco, with the first contract of apprenticeship entered into in November 1851, defending young people’s rights to access the labour market under fair conditions.
Signing up for this EU Platform means that as Salesians we commit ourselves to:
- Promote Technical Education and Training in EU and EFTA countries;
- Strengthen the quality, supply and image of apprenticeships in Europe;
- Increase the mobility of T-VET students and apprentices using the programme Erasmus+
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is a unique platform, which brings together governments with other key stakeholders, like businesses, social partners, chambers, vocational education and training (VET) providers, regions, youth representatives or think-tanks.
The Alliance was launched in July 2013 with a joint declaration by the European Social Partners, the European Commission and the Presidency of the Council of the EU. This was followed by a Council Declaration by EU countries. Although managed by the Commission, the success of EAfA lies with the implementation of national commitments and the commitment of partners, notably through pledges by stakeholders.
Belonging to this Alliance brings benefits to T-VET Centres and Salesian Provinces in Europe. The first one is the participation in a EU-wide Seminar on quality of Apprenticeships in mid-September in which two representatives from Italy and Hungary and the DBI Executive Secretary will take part.!Vg77CT #ApprenEU