While addressing the meeting Fr. Biju Michael firmly affirmed, “South Asia Region accounts for 21% of the Confreres and 24% of the houses in the Congregation. This one fifth presence is providential from the fact that more than one fifth of the youth population of the world lives in South Asia (and more than one fifth of the resource-poorer youth). Also one fifth of the world’s population who have not heard the communication about the Good News lives in this part of the world”.
He requested all the Delegates to return to their provinces and give the greatest attention to vocation promotion and accompaniment of young Salesians on an urgent basis. “Our Region still has fields ripe with vocations that the Lord of the Harvest prepares and we need to go out and invite while the harvest is ready. Each young Salesian is a Human Resource for the Congregation for the next 50-60 years at least”, added Fr. Biju.
He stressed that all communication and formative efforts have to start with our being signs and bearers of God’s love. The big challenge of communication and formation is to speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15), and this remains the greatest mission for all communicators and formators who seek to transform with love – nothing by force, but all through love. This in return should clearly aim at rising back with the young to the heights of God’s love with them.
The four days of this joint meeting held between the 2 and 5 of August did result in intense moments of sharing and discussions among the two groups comprising of the provincial delegates of the sectors of Formation and Communication. The third day of discussion with the combined groups of both the sectors in the presence of Fr. Ivo Coelho, the General Councillor for Formation and Fr. Gildasio Mendes, the General Councillor for Communication was filled with lot of sharing and discernment. The South Asia delegates for Communication and Formation, Fr. Ernest Rosario and Fr. Robert Pen shared the consolidated reports form the feedback they had received from each of the provinces.
Lot of reflections on the challenges posed by digital media were discussed, and it also brought forth lot of concrete suggestions towards educating, forming and accompanying the Salesians in the digital world, and helping them to be effective digital apostles. Various resolutions were made to create this awareness, accompaniment, and offer the right tools and formation for the Salesians to be formed in the digital world.
The splendid setting of Don Bosco Institute by the banks of Brahmaputra river, the warm hospitality, family spirit and rich cultural extravaganza expressed by the students made the days were memorable and truly Salesian in every way.