All over the county a rebel-opposition armed force has been building up and has been gaining strength day by day. There have been reports of attacks by these rebel forces on the national army causing many deaths and wounding many more.
The local people of this county, fearing retaliation and seeking a more peaceful living, have been fleeing from their homes to the neighbouring Uganda and the DRCongo. Many of the faithful of the Salesian parish in Morobo County are also on the run. Fearing that their small houses of mud and grass-roofs could be burnt to ashes, the people are bringing their small belongings to Don Bosco church for safe keeping. Their poverty does not allow them to rent a vehicle to transport their belongings to Uganda or DRC.
The needs of the people in the camps are many and varied. Food, shelter, medicine, clothing, educational and recreational facilities are just a few. If funds are available the Salesians could venture into these camps to assist the people. There are still other people who have fled their homes but are unable to make it to Uganda or DRCongo due to lack of finance.
“The world is still in the dark with regard to the suffering of these poor unfortunate ones! We pray that God’s wisdom will intervene strongly and speedily to bring a lasting peace to this beloved and bleeding country” says Fr Jacob Thelekkadan, SDB.