The 10th Successor of Don Bosco was welcomed at 9 a.m. by the community of Salesians and some lay members. The first moment was a visit to the workshops of the Vocational Training Center (CNOS-FAP) and a meeting with the boys for the traditional Salesian "Good Day" moment.
At 10:30 a.m. the Rector Major visited the most significant places in the city, a walk along Corso Vannucci, Perugia's main street, where the Rector Major was able to see a number of monuments and historical buildings, and a visit to the cathedral.
At noon Fr. Á.F. Artime was welcomed in the "Sala dei Notari" for the ceremony of the inscription in the Roll of Honor of the Salesian Institute of Perugia. Such inscription is made in favor of public figures and realities that have brought prestige to the city. The motivation for the Salesians is due to what they have done over the past 100 years for so many of Perugia's youth, who have attended the school, the vocational training center, and the various sports activities related to the Salesian Youth Sports Club (PGS) - and today there is also a center for University students in the Institute.
"Arriving in Perugia in 1922," is written in the attached motivation, "the Salesians immediately immersed themselves in the life of a special neighborhood, that of Porta Sant'Angelo, where they lived and shared with enthusiasm the anxieties and hopes of the poor people. In a short time, they earned the esteem and admiration of everyone (...) working with constant commitment in our community to make concrete Don Bosco's educational system, aimed at forming "good Christians and upright citizens (...). With the inscription of the Don Bosco Institute in the Roll of Honor, the City wants to express to this valuable Institution, our recognition and the deep gratitude of the whole citizenship, with the wish for the achievement of new important goals."
During the ceremony Fr. Á.F. Artime accepted the award with satisfaction and wished to thank Perugia and its institutions on behalf of the congregation. "After 100 years of presence in the city, the greatest heritage we can offer is represented by the history of so many girls and boys who in our institute have changed their lives and received something. This is because the Salesian institute has given so much to the people of Perugia, Italians, and foreigners, making citizenship and creating humanity."
After the awarding of the certificate, the Rector Major was received privately by the mayor, Andrea Romizi, who presented him with a gift from the civic administration.
In the early afternoon, the celebrations continued with a visit to the first structure that welcomed the Salesians in their first years in Perugia, the "Penna Ricci" institute.
The celebration of the Eucharist, attended by all the youngsters of PGS Don Bosco and their families and members of the Salesian Family, gave a solemn conclusion to the day of celebration for all of Perugia.