America Southern Cone - Mission Animation Meeting of America South Cone Region
South Cone America - June 2022 - The Provincial Delegates for Mission Animation (DIAM), together with representatives of the Provincial missionary teams, participated on June 4 in an online meeting to reflect, share and motivate local and integration work among the 11 Salesian Provinces of the South Cone America Region. The event, which was attended by Fr. Héctor Gabriel Romero, Councilor for the America Southern Cone Region, was led by Fr. Sérgio Ramos de Souza, Regional Coordinator of Mission Animation (CORAM), and brought together Salesians and lay people involved in mission animation. The meeting featured a reflection by Fr. Reginaldo Cordeiro, on the theme "Salesian Missionary Animation and Challenges in Light of the First Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean," which encouraged participants to identify the peripheries that exist today and the challenges of Mission Animation after the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. In addition to the formative moment, the meeting also included a time of sharing on the preparation for commemoration activities in view of the 150th anniversary of the First Salesian Missionary Expedition.