Ecuador - Fr Orozco at priestly ordination of Salesian David De la Cruz: "You’re a priest for young people, don’t forget that, always carry it in your heart"
Cuenca, Ecuador - May 2022 - On May 21 at "St. John Bosco" Parish in Cuenca, Salesian David De la Cruz was ordained a priest by the laying on of hands and consecratory prayer of Msgr. Luis Sánchez, SDB, Bishop Emeritus of Machala. Present at the ceremony were Fr. Hugo Orozco, Counselor for the Interamerica Region, who is making the Extraordinary Visit to the Salesian Province of Ecuador (ECU), and Fr. Francisco Sánchez, ECU Provincial. Fr. Orozco said, "Don Bosco is happy to see a generous young man give his life and say yes to God. David, you have to discover how much God loves you. The priesthood is a gift for young people to realize they are are a priest for young people, don't forget that, always carry it in your heart."