The Salesian Communication Days are the fruit of a synergy between the SDB Departments and the FMA Areas for Social Communication and Formation, the Faculty of Social Communication Sciences at UPS, and the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences "Auxilium".
This year's event, to which a total of about 150 people are expected to attend, will also be attended by the FMA Mother General, Mother Chiara Cazzuola who, together with the Superior of the "Maria Sede della Sapienza" Vice-Province of UPS, Fr Maria Arokiam Kanaga, will offer the thought of the "Salesian good night" on Friday 29; also present, Fr Gildasio Mendes, General Councilor for Social Communication, who will accompany the event’s work sessions.
Launched a decade ago, the Salesian Communication Days are an example of the attention paid by the leaders of the two largest congregations of the Salesian Family to activate among their own members, starting with the youngest, a wide-ranging process of formation in communication. The formation in communication that is to be proposed, in fact, not only aims to offer techniques and tools to be used with the young, but to mature a communicative awareness and action at the service of the people they will meet throughout their mission.
While in the first years the Salesian Communication Days were dedicated almost entirely to reflection on the Pope's message for the WYD, now the aim is to enhance this message as part of a broader and more systematic approach, with the anthropological theme of human communication and the challenges of contemporary reality in the background. This is why the motto of this edition - "Being Christians in a Changing World" - focuses on how to live and communicate as Christians in an environment that today lives without the need for God, with a cultural landscape or mindset dominated by the economic and technical-scientific perspective and the digital dimension that also marks the anthropological space of relationships.
Among the other innovations to be noted for this edition, finally, is the fact that a path of preparation for the Days has been purposely foreseen - with a direct commitment on the part of the participants - and that a path of accompaniment is also planned to allow the fruits to mature.
At the level of programmed activities, the Salesian Days of Communication 2022 open with an introductory talk by the famous Comboni missionary and communicator, Father Giulio Albanese, on the theme of the Message of WDSC 2022, followed by a time of reflection and questions.
Afterward, the participants will have the opportunity to follow a workshop of their choice among the 9 available, concerning a variety of themes not strictly related to communication, but addressed with attention to the dimension of communication: the Christian as a craftsman of peace, integral ecology, the challenges of gender identity, scandals in the Church, creativity in the liturgy, the religious imagery presented in audiovisual platforms, consecrated persons and the web, the reality of today's youth universe and the credibility of the individual.
After group work, resonances in the assembly, and time for evening prayer, Eucharistic Celebration, and fraternity, during the thematic evening some video-interviews produced by the participants themselves as part of their preparation for the event will be projected and discussed.
On Saturday morning, in addition to the community Mass, group work will continue and end with a concluding assembly of the Days.