The Feast began with the festive songs of the young students of the local Institute "Nostra Signora delle Grazie" and of other schools of the Asti and Alessandria area. The young enthusiastically welcomed the Mother General of the Congregation, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, accompanied by the Vicar General, Sister María del Rosario García Ribas, five sisters of the General Council, the Provincials of Europe, numerous rectors, and many FMA from all over the world, in the presence of numerous civil, military and religious authorities.
The Mother, with all the participants, had the opportunity to see the young people of the vocational courses in action; accompanied by their teachers, they exhibited state-of-the-art equipment and the importance of comprehensive formation to enter the world of work.
The party for the youngest took place with tournaments and games, at the end of which the students of the secondary school of Nizza Monferrato accompanied their friends from Alessandria and Asti on a tour of the work, ably presenting places, events, and prominent figures.
In the afternoon the historical commemoration of the salient and significant moments of the life of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Nizza Monferrato took place, thanks to the performances of the theatrical company "alla Madonna" of the FMA-IPI historical archives, which set up "animated pictures" where the events historically took place. It was like leafing through a family album, where emotions and memories emerged from the photographs. The actors performed professionally and pleasantly - they also recited in the local dialect - against the background of some typical songs of the history of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, made by the students of the Pontifical Faculty "Auxilium", and they involved all those present, while Mother Chiara Cazzuola approached with sympathy the actors playing the roles of Mother Mazzarello and Mother Caterina Daghero, her "predecessors".
The Eucharistic Celebration, presided by the Bishop of Asti Monsignor Marco Prastaro, and animated by the Don Bosco Chorale, concluded the events inside the work.
At the end of the Mass, the flag-wavers of Nizza Monferrato opened the procession that led all those present to the Foro Boario, where the Mayor of Nizza Monferrato, Simone Nosenzo, and the entire City Council, welcomed the Mother General, her Council, and the authorities present.
In a solemn ceremony, the Mayor conferred honorary citizenship on the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. He opened the ceremony by underlining how the Congregation has spent itself for the city, and the highest civic recognition is the proof of how much it has done and how much it will do in favor of the city, especially for the youngest, through educational, social and religious work, to form high-profile generations. The collaboration between public and religious institutions, the Mayor emphasized again, is important, and "we want to acknowledge it!"
The President of the City Council, Maurizio Martino, read the resolution of ordinary citizenship in favor of the Congregation of the FMA, in which it is written, among other things: "The desire for this recognition stems from a statement of gratitude for what has been received from the FMA in the territory of Nizza and for how much the name of Nizza has spread throughout the world thanks to its founders and the works that the religious have exported throughout the world."
Mother Chiara, on behalf of the FMA of the Institute, received the keys to the city, accepting the honor and responsibility of this honor: 12,245 FMA are now Honorary Citizens of Nizza Monferrato!
The "Feast of Gratitude" worthy of a 150th anniversary ended with a solemn and important event, which at the same time is also a springboard for future commitments and actions.