Spain - First session of Provincial Chapter of St. James the Greater Province

17 February 2022

Madrid, Spain - February 2022 - On February 14, the first session of the Provincial Chapter of the Province of St. James the Greater (SSM) was held in digital mode with the participation of 117 chapter members. The online assembly served to approve the regulations of the Provincial Chapter, present the topics that will be dealt with and the commissions into which the Chapter members’ work will be structured. One of the topics of study for the Chapter was the report on the current state of the SSM Province, by the Provincial Fr Fernando García, who presented the keys to its interpretation. The report’s analysis and reflection will occupy the first moments of the session scheduled, in presence, from April 18 to 21. Fr Javier Valiente, Provincial Chapter Governor, presented the working commissions and the dynamics of the Chapter preparation. Until the in-presence session, the Chapter members will have the opportunity to study in-depth the report of the Provincial and the contributions of the communities to each of the themes proposed for the Chapter, especially the Programmatic Lines that the Rector Major has proposed for the Salesian Congregation after the 28th General Chapter.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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