On a cultural and educational level, special mention goes to the publication of a Biology textbook for the first year of High School ("Biologia Décimo ano de Escolaridade") by the "Salesian Media Center" of the "St Calisto Versiglia" Vice Province of East Timor (TLS). The result of the work of four Timorese teachers from different high schools, the book was presented on Friday 28 January during a ceremony that was also attended by the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport; the latter thanked the Salesians for welcoming the publication and he congratulated the professors who wrote the book - all of whom were trained entirely in their homeland, which was hailed as a sign of the growth of the nation’s educational quality.
For his part, Fr Guido Carmo da Silva, Director of the "Salesian Media Center", praised this publication as a "channel of intellectual promotion", because "it can motivate others to give their contribution in writing" and "will serve to improve the quality of education in East Timor.”
The Past Pupils of Don Bosco from East Timor organized a tree-planting session for Saturday 29 January, an effort to prevent soil erosion and to make society greener. This activity took place in the Lesibutak area, near Dili, the capital of East Timor. The Salesian Family of East Timor actively participated in the event, during which official speeches were also given.
Among them, the Salesian past pupil and retired General Lere Anan Timor said that "we are all indebted to nature", and urged young people to plant 10 trees each and the elderly 5 trees each. "In this way, we will have a green Timor and the trees will offer us fresh air for our survival." And on his part, Armando Da Costa, the main organizer of the event, urged us to "Do all through love, nothing through contraint", thus citing the motto of the 2022 Strenna.
Finally, noteworthy on a religious-spiritual level was the celebration of the Day of Consecrated Life held last February 2 in the diocese of Baucau, where the Salesian Fr Manuel Ximenes is Collaborator of the Diocesan Administrator of Baucau in the Department of Religious Life. A solemn Mass was celebrated for the occasion in the presence of numerous religious men and women from congregations and orders present in the diocese; Fr Ximenes delivered various brief messages of encouragement to the consecrated persons present; and then a dialogue and knowledge session took place in which the various charisms and religious institutes were presented.
"Let us pray that the Good Lord strengthen those who have responded to this demanding call, and also that God will always call new people to religious life, to announce His Word to everyone," concluded Fr Ximenes.