South Sudan – Let us pray to God for a Lasting Peace in South Sudan

29 July 2016

(ANS – Morobo) – The recent clashes in South Sudan caused a new wave of refugees, putting under great stress the neighbouring countries of the South, where the reception centres already host half a million refugees. In the last days, over 30 thousand people fled South Sudan: 90% of them are women and children. The Salesian Missionaries of Don Bosco–Morobo, in the border zone between South Sudan, D.R. of Congo and Uganda, describe a dramatic situation. 

“The county of Morobo is almost deserted, there are very few people. The population fled out of fear of rebels or of a counter-attack of the army. Schools have been closed for over two weeks, there are no teachers, no students; they fled into the forest or to the villages of the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. Shops are closed, since shop-owners are mostly from Uganda and they left Morobo.   “Uganda does not allow transport of goods to South Sudan, and so life has become very difficult for people, first necessities prices have increased in an exorbitant way. We hope that God’s wisdom will prevail and bring a lasting peace in South Sudan”.   Humanitarian agencies denounced the precariousness of resources and the inadequacy of reception structures and of transit centres in the north-western part of the country. As reported by FIDES, the Elegu Centre, at the border between South Sudan and Uganda, now hosts 10 thousand people, a number tenfold superior to its planned capacity.   Equally dramatic is the situation in the transit centre of Nyumanzi, in the north-western district of Adjumani, which was built in 2014 to host about 2000 people for not more that two weeks. At present it hosts over 20 thousand refugees. The reception centre of Kuluba hosts 1500, instead of the 300 people planned capacity of the place.  


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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