Italy – Meeting of the Provincials of Europe in Turin-Valdocco

29 November 2021

(ANS - Turin) - The 8th meeting of the Provincials of Europe took place at Turin-Valdocco from 26-28 November. The continuous presence of the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime and of his Vicar, Fr Stefano Martoglio, of the two Councilors for the two Regions of Europe - Fr Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy for the Mediterranean, and Fr Roman Jachimowicz, for Europe Center and North – besides the presence  of all the Sector Councilors - Fr Ivo Coelho for Formation; Fr Miguel Angel García Morcuende for Youth Ministry; Fr Alfred Maravilla for the Missions; Fr Gildasio Mendes for Social Communication; and Bro. Jean Paul Muller for the Economy – demonstrated the importance and the quality of the meeting.

After the initial intervention of the Rector Major, the proceedings were opened by the much-appreciated report by Fr Rossano Sala, who introduced the ecclesial works of the Synod of Bishops, illustrating several fundamental guidelines of the Synodal Church. This led to a greater awareness that this ecclesial journey is actually already part of the Constitutions and of the Salesian identity.

Fr Fabio Attard illustrated a proposal for the coordination of joint formation between Salesians and laity at the European level. The group discussions and the extensive assembly discussions offered the Provincials guidelines of action for a fruitful shared ministry.

The Councilor for formation, Fr Coelho, presented the situation of formation houses in Europe and the challenges that await this sector. Some important criteria for the conservation and the transmission of Don Bosco's charism to young Salesians also emerged from the discussions that ensued.

The General Councilor for Youth Ministry, Fr García Morҫuende, also outlined a general framework on the core issues for the pastoral reflection of the Congregation, informing participants about the many processes launched by the sector. Fr Rafael Bejarano Rivera, a collaborator of the Councilor for the Youth Ministry, developed a reflection on the European continent in this time of great change, focusing on the phenomenon of numerous and massive migrations, with the theme "Europe and migrations: a Salesian view".

The international range of those present, the common prayer in the church of San Francesco de Sales, the fraternity and the joy of having lived this meeting in the places sanctified by Don Bosco presence, the sincere and paternal word of the Rector Major, all helped to revive the sense of belonging to the Congregation and a hope for a brighter future of the Salesian charism in Europe.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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