RMG – 152nd Salesian Missionary Expedition: Dieudonné Ramazani Lukundula

(ANS - Rome) - "For me, becoming a Salesian missionary is a desire that goes back to my childhood. I was born in a non-Christian family, but converted to Christianity. I grew up in the missionary parish of Nyakasanza of Ituri-Bunia, in the Northeast of my country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and there I was baptized and confirmed in 2002. Since my novitiate, which began in 2017, I had expressed to my Novice Master my aspiration to be a missionary." This is how young Dieudonné Ramazani Lukundula, a Congolese Salesian, introduces himself to ANS readers. Last Sunday, November 21, he received the Missionary Cross of the 152nd Salesian Missionary Expedition from the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime.

Did you choose the destination or was it assigned to you? Are you happy with it?

I was assigned to North Africa, a land with a large Muslim majority. The choice was made by the Rector Major, in collaboration with the Missions Sector, but I was happy to receive this news that allows me to return to live with my Muslim brothers.

How did the people close to you take your missionary choice?

My family is very happy to know that I have been sent to a noble mission, and my friends also promised me their daily prayers, and I read an expression of joy on their faces when I gave them the news.

Do you have any doubts or fears about the new culture, the new reality...?

Living outside your comfort zone presents some fears, but fortunately, they are manageable. For me, going to Tunisia doesn't frustrate me because I'm going to live with my fellow Africans, my brothers, in a culture that is inclusive and open to all races.

What projects or dreams do you have for your mission?

As an envoy to a new mission land, I would like to indicate to Tunisian youth the concern to seek human, evangelical and social virtues in this postmodern world. To revive Christ, the Church and Don Bosco in our way today, in the environment in which we work.

Do you have any missionary models you want to imitate?

I think that in order to live in Manouba or Tunis I will have to live the Gospel like Christ, like Don Bosco, and in the silent benevolence of St. Francis of Assisi.

Missionary life is above all evangelization and pastoral zeal for souls. Do you feel ready in this area?

I think what matters most is essentially a discreet but authentic presence.

Would you like to send a message to your confreres or young people?

The missionary vocation is a blessed gift that God Himself has implanted in everyone... And in the face of so many pitfalls and dangers, the Church, the Bible, and the Beatitudes remain the only path that brings us one hundred percent back to listening to our vocation.

To the young people, and even those who would like to continue the Salesian missionary life, I would like to say that they must know how to discern the truth, let themselves be guided by the wind of simplicity, openness, humility, generosity and, above all, dedicate themselves totally to the path of patience.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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