Democratic Republic of Congo – Second meeting of the year for AFC Rectors, together with Fr Martoglio

19 November 2021

(ANS - Lubumbashi) - The year’s second session of the meeting of the Rectors of the "Assumption of Mary" Province of Central Africa (AFC) ends today, Friday 19 November. Fr Stefano Martoglio, Vicar of the Rector Major, in Lubumbashi as part of the Animation Visit to the Province, also participates in the meetings.

The opening of the work sessions took place on Wednesday 17 at the "St. Francis de Sales" Theological Studentate in Lubumbashi in the presence of the Rectors, the leaders of the communities and the members of the Provincial Council, all gathered around the Provincial, Fr Guillermo Basañes, and the Vicar of the Rector Major.

In his opening speech, Fr Basañes invited the participants to consider this meeting as an opportunity to seek within, enter into themselves, for a journey of conversion. “To change others, you must first work on your own change,” he said; he exhorted participants to read this occasion also as a gift from God and the Congregation, to be near Fr Martoglio and thus feel accompanied by the Rector Major himself, the Successor of Don Bosco; and also as a moment to remember the recently deceased Salesians, Bro. Pierre Libay and Fr Thomas Muzinga.

Fr Martoglio, who also presided over the opening Eucharist of the session, then spoke on the theme: "Religious discipline and the accompaniment of confreres". And in his speech he exhorted the rectors, who are primarily responsible for the life and functioning of the communities, to take care of their personal and community religious identity because neglecting it leads inexorably to religious indiscipline.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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