RMG – Towards the 152nd Salesian Missionary Expedition: Cito Christophe Kasavubu

(ANS - Rome) - "What prompted me to make the missionary choice is none other than love, the will to give myself to others and to serve Christ as a missionary ad gentes." Thus says, with the serene determination the young missionary Cito Christophe Kasavubu, a 27-year-old Congolese Salesian, who will receive the Missionary Crucifix in Turin next Sunday, 21 November, to then leave for his final destination. He is one of those who have made a long discernment before making a fundamental decision for their lives. He is assigned to the Salesian missions on the island of Cape Verde, belonging to the Province of Portugal (POR).

Did you choose the destination or was it assigned to you? Are you happy with it?

I didn't choose, but as soon as I heard the news I was happy, and was welcomed in my new Province when I was there for a week before coming to Rome for the Orientation Course for New Missionaries.

How did the people close to you take your missionary choice?

My family members have all positively embraced the goal and are praying a lot for me. My friends and confreres encouraged me a lot and continue to accompany me with phone calls and e-mails.

Do you have any doubts or fears about the new culture, the new reality…?

I often have fears, because I don't know what awaits me next. But with the missionary orientation course, I feel more confident and courageous, ready to go through the difficult moments that will arise in my missionary life.

What projects or dreams do you have for your mission?

I have several, but the first project is that I may evangelize with my life of witness. My dream is not to go and build churches, nor schools, but to proclaim Christ’s message to the poor and abandoned young people.

Do you have missionary role models that you want to imitate?

I would have many that I would like to be like, but each person has their own style. Then there is the model of Don Bosco himself, a tireless missionary, and also the great missionaries who came to my Province of Central Africa (AFC), who bore witness to the love of Christ through their lifestyle.

Missionary life is above all evangelization and pastoral zeal for souls. Do you agree?

Yes, missionary life is precisely that! Because the missionary is the one who brings life and is a man of faith.

Do you want to send a message to your brothers or young people?

My message to my confreres is an invitation to love missionary life. Because the Church is missionary. It is thanks to the missionaries that the Congregation is all over the world! And to the young people, I say: you are the hope of the Church today and without you, the Gospel will not be known throughout the world... The world needs you to proclaim the Good News!


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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