Congo – Vicar of the Rector Major at the celebrations marking 40 years of Salesian presence in Goma

15 November 2021

(ANS - Goma) - On Saturday 13 November 2021, Fr Stefano Martoglio, Vicar of the Rector Major, took part in the concluding celebrations to commemorate the 40 years of Salesian presence in Goma, in the eastern region of the Salesian Province "Assumption of Mary" in Central Africa (AFC).

During the Mass celebrated in the chapel of the Salesian Technical Industrial Institute (ITIG-Don Bosco), where the Salesians arrived 40 years ago (in 1981), Fr Martoglio praised the courage that has characterized the realization of the Salesian mission during these four decades of service to vulnerable young people. He encouraged his Salesian confreres to continue this noble mission with greater enthusiasm. Then he invited all present to recognize the Lord as the shepherd, to seek Providence as Don Bosco sought it constantly, to walk with the Lord joyfully and to recognize the protection and help of the Lord for the poorest and the little ones.

Subsequently, two of the pioneers of the Salesian works in Goma, Fr Danilo Lisjak and Bro. Honorato Alonso Saiz, SDB, received honorary awards and gifts in recognition of their efforts towards the Salesian mission in that region of the Province.

For his part, Fr Aurelien Mukangwa, the Provincial Delegate for AFC-EST, invited the Salesian family to look forward to the 50th anniversary and to prepare for its jubilee by strengthening the mission at the service of poor and abandoned young people.

Since the day coincided with the commemoration of Blessed Artemide Zatti, Salesian Brothers, five brothers spoke about the specificity of the lay Salesian vocation, explaining its meaning and value in the Congregation and in the Church and invited young people to ponder upon this option in their discernment process.

On the occasion, the AFC-EST Delegation also officially opened the Academic year 2021-2022, under the theme: "Young people, Do all for love and Nothing by Constraint, for yourself, for others, and for God", inspired by the theme of the Rector Major's Strenna for 2022.

A cultural and recreational show took place, organized by the young people of the oratory of ITIG-Don Bosco in Goma and Shasha to conclude the day.

On Sunday 14th November, before going to Lubumbashi for the rest of his visit, Fr Martoglio presided over a Eucharistic celebration for the members of the Salesian Family, which marked the end of his week-long pastoral visit to the "St. Joseph" Delegation of AFC-EST. On this occasion too, the Vicar of the Rector Major expressed his gratitude to all pastoral workers and encouraged the children, teenagers, and young people.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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