The meeting began with motivation session followed by “Lectio Divina”. The important themes that were taken for reflection and discussions were: Youth Ministry & Family, Organic Coordination of Youth Ministry, Commission and structures, the document on the Parish and Shrines, and Salesian Youth Movement. The methodology of each session of 90 minutes comprised of presentation, group work and assembly sharing.
On Monday 18 October, the participants visited the nearby Salesian presences of “Don Bosco Boys Town”, “Bosco Boys” and Theologate of Utume.
The third day was dedicated for joint reflection with the Delegates for the Formation. Fr TJ George of “Don Bosco Tech Africa” also presented the initiatives of TVET centres. After the communication of important information, the meeting was concluded with the evaluation and a personal take-home proposal. During the days of meeting, Fr García Morcuende had a personal colloquy with each Delegate, listening and encouraging them in their ministry.