The “Forum Salesianum” is the continuation of the “Colloqui Salesiani”, an experience that began in Europe in 1968, as a meeting of Salesians with a good academic background and interested in studying Don Bosco and Salesian life, so as to be able to offer contributions to the solution of practical problems connected with the life of communities. From 1973 the Seminars were also open to Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), Volunteers of Don Bosco and Salesians Cooperators.
At the end of the 26th International Discussion on Salesian life, held in Berlin between 25 and 27 August 2011, the need was seen to consider updating these study sessions considered by all those taking part - Salesians, FMA and lay people - to be an important formative experience for the various European Provinces.
The animation team proposed the change of name and identified the aims of the Forum.
So today the “Forum Salesianum” aims to keep the dialogue alive at the European level on issues in the fields of pedagogy, pastoral care, and spirituality, as well as promoting the exchange between theory and practice, and making a Salesian contribution to current topics.
The organizing committee with Katharina Karl (GER), Lana Ivanjek (AUS), sr. Magna Martinez (Auxilium), don Wim Collin (UPS) guided by fr. Carlo Loots (BEN) prepared the next summer edition of the Forum. The subject chosen for the next edition is “accompaniment” in the broadest sense of the word. The theme will be approached from different perspectives: a historical perspective starting from the letters of Don Bosco and Madre Mazzarello; a biblical angle; a psychological and pedagogical perspective, but also ethical questions and practical examples will be discussed and treated.
The forum is characterized by its unique working method. On the one hand, there is the input of the various lectures, and on the other hand, there is the exchange between the participants of the forum. Participants who coming from the different branches of the Salesian family: SDB, FMA, salesian cooperators, but also lay collaborators of the Salesian works from different European countries.
The last “Forum Salesianum” took place in Munich in August 2020, the new edition will take place in Valdocco, Turin (Italy) from 23-26 August 2022.