The activities included moments of typical Salesian prayer, adoration, formation and sharing.
Leaving the many children and young people to their recreational area, the day of the ADMA opened with praying the Rosary in the courtyard outside the Rooms of Don Bosco, and was followed by Mass in the Lower Basilica, celebrated by Fr Alejandro Guevara, ADMA’s World Spiritual Animator, and by Fr Roberto Carelli, professor of Theology at the International Institute of Turin-Crocetta. The attentive participation and devotional composure of the children at the Eucharist was remarkable. It was followed by a moment of Eucharistic Adoration, a practice very dear to all the ADMA groups world-wide.
Finally, they proceeded with the presentation of the formative theme: at the center of the reflection for the whole new associative year is the Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis Amoris Laetitia with in-depth analysis on specific aspects and on the new attitudes proposed to each member.
“The family, as a continuous vocation that is always renewed, is a path of holiness that must widen the vision with equal commitment: towards one's own family, towards the Salesian Family, towards the Church, which is the family of Jesus," commented Fr Guevara.
The sources that will nourish the formative journey will be:
Amoris Laetitia according to the insights that Pope Francis is offering to the Church through specific catechesis in view of the World Meeting of Families in 2022 the Strenna of the Rector Major for 2021 and the Charismatic Charter of Identity of the Salesian Family.
“Listening, personal adherence and participation, are fundamental for personal growth and will form the main foundation for one’s spiritual formation. In fact, formation must mean personal conversion, and this would imply: a true listening, a sincere and passionate acceptance of the Word of God that comes to us and a personal willingness to actively participate in formation of others, each according to one’s capcity,” added Fr Guevara.
Finally, at the end of the day, the outgoing Primary ADMA Council was thanked for braving the three-year period marked by difficulties, but also by the many initiatives that the pandemic had stimulated. On the occasion, Renato Valera, the outgoing President, presented the candidates for the forthcoming elections (set for the Marian Day of 24 October 2021) which will renew the Council for the next four years.