India - "Bosco Shramika Mitra" and "Don Bosco Navajeevan" organize a free vaccination campaign
Hyderabad, India - September 2021 - On 11 and 12 September 1,054 poor people received the anti-Covid-19 vaccine free of charge during a campaign organized by “Bosco Shramika Mitra” and “Don Bosco Navajeevan”. The administration took place in three different locations: the “AGI Glass Factory” in Motinagar; the “SaintTeresa” church of Sanathnagar; and the Don Bosco Center for Human Resources Development in Gagillapur. The free vaccination was carried out by the "Apollo Team" and was made possible thanks to the sponsorship of "DELL Technologies" in collaboration with the American Chamber of Commerce - India, "Hope Foundation" and implemented by the "United Way" of Bangalore and the “Don Bosco for Migrants” (Bosco Shramika Mitra-DB4M) of Hyderabad.