Democratic Republic of Congo – AFC Provincial visits family of a young Salesian injured in accident
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo - 5 August 2021 - On Thursday 5 August, Fr Guillermo Basaňes, Superior of the Central African Province (AFC), reached Goma and visited the family of the young Salesian Roger Mubasha, in formation in Lubumbashi, who had an accident while returning to the Salesian community from an apostolic activity. On the occasion, the Provincial informed the young man's family about his state of health, which had improved considerably, and invited everyone to continue to pray for the young man's health and Salesian formation. The Mubasha family expressed deep gratitude to the Provincial and to his companions - Fr Deogratias Mungumwa and Fr Aurélien Mukangwa, Delegate for the East of the country - for this unexpected and welcome visit.