Pinare Alexis of AFM lead the initial prayer. Fr Rafael Bejarano of the Sector for Youth Ministry welcomed the participants, highlighting the transcendental dimension in the young people. The LEADS of the Regions of InterAmerica - America South Cone - Africa Madagascar, South Asia and East Asia Oceania were introduced to the assembly through a video presentation. Fr Patrick Anthonyraj of the Coordination of the SYM, shared ‘The Why’ of the programme recalling the quote of John Maxwell “Find your ‘Why’ and you’ll find your way”.
A young person from each region: Thamyres Marques (America), Fabrice Faddy (Africa-Madagascar), Divya S (South Asia), Teaghan Donlon (East Asia Oceania), shared their experience of the journey as SYM since last year.
Fr Miguel Angel García Morcuende, the Councillor for Youth Ministry, addressed the gathering and released the “DIRECTORY” that records the JOURNEY-LEADS-PLAN. In his address, he underlined strongly that “the Salesian Youth Movement is open to all young people, not just the select few or the chosen few, to the young people in our schools, to those who play sports, to those who are in faith groups, to those who are cared for on the street…, with a diversity of educational and pastoral proposals’’.
Noah Rodrigues (INP) proposed the vote of thanks. Janine and Fr Victor of SYM-EAO compered the event. The final hymn to DON BOSCO was sung by the young people of CHILE.
SYM has a long journey to make reaching greater horizon, making differences and creating impact in the life of everyone.