The first ADMA group in South Korea was founded in Gwangju, the cradle of the Salesian charism in Korea and now, in Seoul, a second is ready to be born. Gwangju's group has 14 members, with the first 12 having issued their promises in 2016 and another two joining in 2019. This ADMA group, made up of graduates from the “Marian school”, now also has 15 new aspirants. The group meets monthly, even if it is planning to meet every week or two.
The Seoul group, instead, began the period of formation in 2017. During this time, they have learned to know each other and to know Don Bosco and the history of ADMA. There are currently 7 aspirants, ready to issue their promises, scheduled for next May 24th. The aspirants, who have already asked the Provincial for approval of their foundation, are also in contact with the ADMA Primary of Turin.
The two groups, about 300 km away from each other, have agreed on a common formation plan which includes the study of Don Bosco's Memoirs of the Oratory, the ADMA Regulations, the Letter of the Rector Major for the 150th anniversary, and other important documents of the Salesian Family. They also deal with the youth apostolate, participate in events of the Salesian Family and in pilgrimages.
However, the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed down the activities and meetings of ADMA groups are taking place only online. ADMA members keep in touch with each other also thanks to Kakao-Talk, the most common Korean messaging platform, and here they share information, videos and useful news.
ADMA's journey in South Korea is still long and not without challenges, but all the members are happy to offer their contribution to the Salesian Family. The ADMA network in the East Asia-Oceania Region is a source of great inspiration and encourages all members to continue along this path.
“We are grateful to God and to all the Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who accompanied the start-up period of ADMA in Korea,” said Sister Susanna Lee, ADMA spiritual animator.