The first objective is to create vocational training courses dedicated to young students of the Salesian Agricultural Schools and professionals in the field, attentive to the world of beekeeping of the future and to safeguarding the species and the environment.
The course started with great success on November 17th at the Salesian Agricultural School of Lombriasco in collaboration with AgriPiemonte Miele, the sector's representative body, of Turin. This course, free of charge, is reserved for the fifth grade of the Salesian Institute and sees the participation of an entire class.
A second step will be dedicated to setting up an experimental area called "flowered meadow" which, together with the positioning of the hives, will complete the process of fostering awareness of the new "natural" cultivation systems that respect the earth, the eco-system, species protection and human health.
The final step is to create a network between professionals in the sector, technicians and students of the Salesian Agricultural Schools across the globe, to generate exchanges of technical-training experiences on bees and the environment, and to encourage school-work alternation for experience practice in several countries.
The start of the project would not have been possible without the precious contribution of Hobby Farm of Biella (Riccardo Rubatto), which supplied 10 hives and the material for the workshop, from the Bricco Gioino (Marco Trinchero) agricultural company which provided bees and technical-practical skills, and to the young past pupil of the Agricultural School of Lombriasco Alessandro Appendino of the company who carefully follows the health of the bees.
At the same time, it is our duty to thank the teachers of the Salesian Agricultural School of Lombriasco, who from the beginning gave their availability and actively participated in this important experience.
Facebook: Scuole Salesiane Lombriasco
Facebook: Expo Lombriasco Agricultura
Dr. Daniel Ormenus
Responsible for "Solidarity of Don Bosco - Youth in Agriculture" project
Salesian Agricultural Schools in the world