Mongolia – Clean water for 300 families

18 December 2020

(ANS - Shuwuu) - Although the late bishop Wenceslaus Padilla entrusted the Catholic mission station of Shuwuu (30 km from Ulanbaatar) to the Salesians only 4 years ago, the families who live in this district have been using the water of this Catholic mission since 1998.

Ms. Solongo, a catechist, described the daily life of ordinary Mongolians in Shuwuu in the video “Clean water services”. It was recorded by the Salesian missionary Fr Jaroslav Vracovsky and is available on the YouTube channel of the Salesians in Mongolia. This is a short film which, by showing what happens in Shuwuu, is also proposed as a valid resource for environmental education.

Here, throughout the year, citizens from the countryside come to the "Catholic well" and stock up on drinking water to take to their homes. In fact, the 300 families of Shuwuu are part of those 1.1 billion people who still lack fair access to water around the world. In many places in Mongolia, water is a rare commodity and is often brought to villages by tanker trucks.

Services like this, in a difficult year like the present one, are especially popular with families and young people in Shuwuu. Mongolia, in isolation since January, is in fact experiencing major difficulties and the challenges for citizens are numerous.

In light of this, Br. Andrew Le Phuong, Salesian Brother and Director of the Planning and Development Office (PDO), has been publishing a newsletter he started in July 2020. In English and Korean, the newsletter acts as an important bridge between potential donors or benefactors of the Salesian mission in Mongolia.

“Our hope,” they write from the Planning and Development Office, “is that 'Clean water services' and the other initiatives of the Salesians in Mongolia will become better known and attract more and more generous people around the world to contribute to our mission.”

Video - Newsletter

Source: AustraLasia


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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