Philippines - “Bisperas Sa Veritas” radio program turns 16
Manila, Philippines - November 2020 - "Bisperas Sa Veritas", a weekly radio program that helps listeners and viewers prepare for the Sunday liturgy, celebrated its 16th anniversary on 28 November. The first episode was broadcast on the eve of the first Sunday of Advent in 2004. The weekly program is broadcast live on the Catholic radio "Radio Veritas" and can also be seen on the Facebook page "", where podcasts of all recent broadcasts are also available. It is produced by "World Media Ministry" in cooperation with the Salesian publisher "World And Life Publications" of the Salesian Province of the North Philippines (FIN). Fr Salvatore Putzu, SDB, and Fr Bernard Nolasco, SDB, alternate as the main hosts of the radio program following the motto “Listen, live and share the Word of God”.