For the first time, all the four different Salesian houses teamed up to collaborate on a nation-wide summer programme to be safely delivered online. This summer programme includes sports and fitness sessions, creativity and performing arts, story-telling workshops, creative arts and a live morning show with animators and SDBs as participants of the activities.
In addition to all this, since the safety measures have been recently relaxed in Malta, each respective Salesian house is holding outdoor activities to small groups of children and youth at a time. These activities include water games, bike rides, night hikes, cook-outs and fun outdoor games in general.
Both options have gone down really well with our members and the general feedback is overwhelmingly good across the board. Surely a summer to be remembered for the innovative activities and experiences we are going through together. In all this confusion around the world we aim to take heed to our beloved Don Bosco’s advice: “Enjoy yourselves as much as you like, if only you keep away from sin”.