RMG - Annual General Assembly of Don Bosco International
Rome, Italy - June 2020 - The Annual General Assembly of Don Bosco International (DBI) was held in Rome on 22 June. Unlike previous years, this time the DBI General Assembly was not held in January in order to be able to take into consideration the fruit of the reflection of General Chapter 28 of the Salesians of Don Bosco. Over half of the members of the DBI were able to meet and attend in person at the Salesian headquarters in Rome, while the other members connected online. The Assembly verified the recent activity of this advocacy office and representation of the Salesians of Don Bosco in the European institutions and approved the work plan for the coming months, according to the priorities contained in the DBI's 2018-2020 Strategic Plan: school-work transition, child and youth poverty, migration and refugees. The DBI Board of Directors was also renewed. Fr Miguel Ángel García Morcuende, SDB, General Councilor for Youth Ministry, was appointed DBI President, succeeding Fr Fabio Attard SDB (DBI President 2015-2020). In the coming months, the DBI Members and Experts will be called to prepare a new Strategic Plan for the three-year period (2021-2023), which will combine continuity in the processes and attention to new emerging challenges.