Brazil - São João Batista Youth Center in Poxoréu organizes live show of solidarity
Poxoréu, Brazil - June 2020 - The São João Batista Youth Center in Poxoréu made a live broadcast on June 10 with local artists Wagner Sousa, Trio Viola Raiz, Gigio Keyboards, Pamella Viola and Karolline, to support the "Project of Distance Adoption" of the Association "Ir. Ângela Melesi", of the "Externato São José", coordinated by Sister Gilda Barros, FMA. The project was created by the volunteer Bruno Marini, who died in Italy in April of COVID-19. It supports 170 families with monthly meal vouchers. At the end of the event, 2,700 kg of food and various cash donations were collected.