Guatemala – Online Salesian Easter: "Born to continue guiding young towards Jesus"

14 April 2020

(ANS - Guatemala City) - Although immersed in a period of many restrictions and quarantines, worldwide, due to COVID-19, the Salesians feel summoned and challenged by these circumstances and have sought ways to continue accompanying young people that God has entrusted to them, why they have proposed a campaign in which they want to reach these young people in the "New Courtyards, or Playgrounds", that is, in social networks.

The Online Salesian Easter was established to continue bringing young people to Jesus and continue to support the love for the Kingdom of God in them. Its goal was to give the opportunity to celebrate the Mysteries of Holy Week together and transmit to others, via social networks, the great joy that Christ has risen to remain in the life of each human being.

The Salesians in formation of the Studentate of Philosophy, the Salesian Trainees and some co-managers of the Salesian mission from different countries participated in the campaign. Aimed at young people and adolescents between 12 and 25 years of age, they studied topics such as service, love for God and others, the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross and the invitation to be signs and witnesses of his Resurrection, in all environments. In the end, it was a space of growth and celebration of the faith for all those who participated in it.

At the Online Salesian Easter, young people were able to find themes, activities and evangelization, challenges, celebrations, dynamics, songs, dances in view of the celebration at home and with the family of the Holy Days. In short, they were "At home with Jesus".

Most of the participants came from the Central American Province, but the fact that there were members from Colombia, Argentina, Mexico and even Spain led to the great challenge of finding compatible timetables.

"The Online Salesian Easter was very enriching for the formation of each Salesian and of all the young people who were able to experience Easter in a particular way. And it should be emphasized that we prepared it together with some lay people who are jointly responsible for the mission. In the end, we reached the conclusion that today's young people are young people who constantly seek God, who do not allow the adversities of life to extinguish their faith, their hope and the joy that Christ lives and continues to call to be Preachers of His Love," affirm the Salesian organizers.

"As a community, we want to thank the Rector Major for the message he addressed to us, for his closeness and appreciation of young people and for his words of hope that encouraged us to bring a beautiful 'Online Salesian Easter'," they said.

Roberto Jesús Laniado Galvez, SDB



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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