Accompanying Youth in a Quest for Meaning: Reflections on Salesian Spiritual Companionship

27 setembro 2023
There is no translation available.

A study of Don Bosco's approach to the spiritual accompaniment of young people, from a current practitioner, offering well-researched historical background and advice for providing spiritual companionship today.

Youth is perhaps one of the most challenging times in life, particularly when it comes to grappling with the meaning of our human journey. Don Bosco offered a very unique way of spiritual companionship.

Through an analysis of numerous primary sources and various studies by Salesian scholars, this book attempts to offer an in depth analysis of his style of accompaniment and identifies the original contribution he offers within the realm of spiritual direction.

This book attempts to offer an insight into the following questions:

1) How did Don Bosco perceive children and young people?

2) Did Don Bosco influence the way the church viewed the concept of child holiness?

3) Is spirituality an intrinsic element in human existence? In other words: are children born spiritual?

4) How did Don Bosco touch the heart of so many people and manage to offer such spiritual guidance?

5) How did Don Bosco differ from his predecessors and contemporaries?

6) What can Salesians and youth workers today learn from Don Bosco's experience?

Comments on the book

“Fr Louis Grech studies Don Bosco's praxis of youth spiritual accompaniment from the privileged viewpoint of one who is himself engaged in such praxis. This is indeed a fresh and precious contribution.” (Fr Ivo Coelho SDB, General Councillor for Formation).

“This detailed study aims, first of all, at defining Don Bosco's unique method in journeying with the young in the light of other spiritual traditions that enrich the pastoral expenence of the Church. Furthermore, this research enriches the renewed attention and interest that the Salesian charism is generating in a time where the young are looking for significant adults in their lives, adults who embody and witness a vision and a mission like Don Bosco did.” (Fr Fabio Attard SDB, former General Councillor for Youth Ministry).

Don Bosco Publications, 210 pages.

Further information


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