MARTYRS IN CHINA. Bishop Luigi Versiglia and Fr Callisto Caravario

03 novembre 2020
There is no translation available.

Not only for the provinces of China, Indonesia (St. Louis Versiglia) and East Timor (St. Callisto Caravario) - but for the whole Salesian Congregation, this year is a good opportunity to treasure the memory of our first two martyrs - St Louis Versiglia and St Callisto Caravario - 90 years after their death in China and 20 years after their canonization at the Vatican. Because the martyrs' memory lifts the missionary spirit!

After the successful translation of Martiri in Cina authored by Guido Bosio, SDB (ed. LDC Leumann, 1976) into English, the Chinese version (Hong Kong, CIN) and English version by Kristu Jyoti Publications (India, INK) are going to be published as the contribution to the 90th anniversary of the martyrdom.

The English text of LDC Leumann version is available at the bottom of the page.


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