A Little Camel for Jesus

12 Diciembre 2017
There is no translation available.

Join Joel, a poor stable hand's son, as he embarks on an exciting adventure, following the star to meet the King of Kings. But, what precious gift can he give to the new baby?

A charming Christmas story by Maria Gianola, translated by Michael T Winstanley, this beautifully illustrated hardback book is an ideal Christmas gift, and will delight tiny ones and young readers alike.

24 pages, Don Bosco Publications

For Further Information


ANS - “Agencia iNfo Salesiana” - es un periódico plurisemanal telemático, órgano de comunicación de la Congregación Salesiana, inscrito en el Registro de la Prensa del Tribunal de Roma, Nº. 153/2007.

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