The Ousted: Embracing the Marginal

21 Octubre 2021
There is no translation available.

The “Don Bosco College” in Mannuthy has brought about a series of events under the “WE CARE” project. It involved helping the Flood affected people from 2018 and 2019, going out of the way and becoming Covid Warriors during Pandemic and amidst all that held International Webinar on the theme including the excluded. “Our priority to take sides with the sidelined and go with the "Last the Least and the Lost" has seen Academic interventions as it is an IUS” Fr Raju Chakkanattu, Principal of the “Don Bosco College”, explains.

These are the six books under the WE CARE Series. 

Two books on Flood Disaster Risk Reduction:

  • Insulate Kerala: Hard Lessons from Flooded Fury
  • Beyond the Flood: Lessons for Insulating Kerala.

One on the Pandemic:

  • When the World Dares the Odd: Life During Pandemic

And the more recent books on Social Inclusivity:

  • The Ousted: Embracing the Marginal
  • Stigma: Reflections on Those left out at the Existential Peripheries 
  • The Resilient: Women's war on subjugation.

“Just as Don Bosco said, we need to cater to the poor and the abandoned. As an institution of Higher Education, we believe in giving also academic contributions in researches and publications to form part of the congregation's fight for social inclusivity” Fr Chakkanattu concludes.

Here you can find further information about another research Book on “Including the Excluded”: “The Ousted: Embracing the Marginal”.

Pavanatma Publishers, 104 pages


ANS - “Agencia iNfo Salesiana” - es un periódico plurisemanal telemático, órgano de comunicación de la Congregación Salesiana, inscrito en el Registro de la Prensa del Tribunal de Roma, Nº. 153/2007.

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