“Following the thread of this Gospel passage, and within the framework of the next Synod of Bishops on 'Youth, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment', we will reflect together on the importance of cultivating the precious art of listening and accompaniment for the mission of our entire Salesian Family, as well as the conditions they require and the service they bring to the journey of a person's personal, Christian, and vocational growth,” wrote Fr Eusebio Muñoz, the Rector Major's Delegate for the Salesian Family, in a letter to the Provincials, Coordinators, and various leaders of the Salesian Family groups.
This annual occasion is open to the members of all 31 Salesian Family groups from across the globe – local, provincial, international - and, especially, to the SDB Province-level delegates for the Salesian Family and Youth Ministry. This year, the Spirituality Days are especially open to those directly involved in the accompaniment of young people.
To register online
To register, please visit the websites sdb.org or fs.sdb.org and click on “Spirituality Days”, or Giornate di Spiritualità. Complete the “Registration Form.” Once completed, click “Register.” That done, click “Send email to the Secretariat.” (“Invia e-mail in Secretaria.”) Those responsible for Group registrations will e-mail their confirmation to the interested parties.
Each Group of the Salesian Family has a number of participants that are permitted to attend, as well as a contact person.
Important information about hospitality and lodgings
This year the hospitality, lodgings and accommodations will be in Valdocco and other nearby residences. For this reason, we advise you register as soon as possible. Hospitality fees vary according to conditions: single, double, or triple room. The Salesian Family of Turin is also ready to host many participants in their homes, of Salesian Cooperators and ADMA members.
For further information, please visit: www.sdb.org or send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.