Rome, Italy - June 28, 2019 - Friday, June 28, 2019, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the procession of the statue of the Sacred Heart took place on the main streets of the city of Rome. Accompanying her was Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education and titular cardinal of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, who blessed the faithful and places close to the basilica built by Don Bosco himself.
Cusco, Peru - June 19, 2019 - Beginning of the traditional celebration of Corpus Christi, where the Salesians welcome the statues of Saint Anthony and Saint Cristobal in front of the Salesian college.
Turin, Italy - 2019 - As a well-known song to Mary Help of Christians reads: "Come and let us all run with flowers to obstinacy, with flowers to Mary, who is our Mother" (Venid y vamos todos con flores a porfía, with flores a María, que Madre nuestra es). Today the statue of Don Bosco's Madonna comes out in procession through the streets of Turin, dressed and adorned with dozens of white roses. The imposing basilica houses the statue of the Virgin under the title of Help of Christians.
Morialdo, Italy - 1842 - In this house the Savio family spends almost ten years, the best years for Domenico; it is the place where he receives a healthy and profound Christian education in the family. Domenico's father rented some small rooms, where he set up a blacksmith's workshop.