South Africa – “Mandela Day” a great success: more than 10,000 meals served to disadvantaged communities in Cape Town

22 July 2024

(ANS – Cape Town) – On 18 July, the Salesian Institute for Youth Projects (SIYP) hosted the long-awaited "Mandela Day" event, which in this 2024 edition proved to be a great success, thanks also to the incredible commitment of the famous chef Jenny Morris and her Soul Food Kitchen. The event had a really significant impact on the most disadvantaged communities and young people, providing them with the nutritional support they needed.

Thanks to the help of important sponsors, such as "Blue Ribbon", it was possible to prepare more than 9,000 sandwiches, to be distributed to at-risk communities in Cape Town. The event was also attended by private citizens and local companies, who made their products available to prepare meals. During the day, in fact, a large amount of vegetables and many other ingredients arrived at SIYP, which were used to cook almost 2,600 litres of soup.

Many other partners wanted to make their own contribution. Coca Cola, for example, provided tables and gazebos and organised entertainment, ensuring a lively and fun atmosphere for all participants. The  Learn to Live Marimba Band and the choir performed at intervals, adding a musical touch to the day.

Many young people, then, were given the opportunity to experience the fun of a trip aboard the famous open-top tourist bus. The young people, many of whom were experiencing a similar experience for the first time, travelled the route from the Century City district to the centre of Cape Town.

The main beneficiaries of this day were clearly the students of the Salesian Institute for Youth Projects. The proceeds will cover the expenses for students, between the ages of 14 and 18, who attend school, where they will receive three cooked meals a day to support their educational development. In addition, some NEETs (i.e. young people not engaged in study, work or training) and young people from the "Stitch Ahead" tailoring training project were involved in distributing other resources in targeted areas of Cape Town.

A heartfelt thanks from the organisers went to Jenny Morris and all the companies that made a contribution. The SIYP management and staff then extended their deepest gratitude to all those who, braving the rain and cold of that day, wanted to help the most disadvantaged.

"The Ubuntu philosophy has prevailed" the organisers write in a statement, "showing the considerable power of community and collaboration".


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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