Faced with this reality, the Vocational Animation Team of the St Artemides Zatti Province of North Argentina (ARN), in collaboration with the Social Communication Team of ARN, has developed the "# ValdoccoVive" project, whose objective is to raise awareness and promote a vocational culture in all the Salesian houses of the Province.
The moment of choosing one's life vocation is the culmination of a longer journey of discernment, listening, reflection and accompaniment, which requires from young people an environment favourable to the entire process and the presence of an entire animating community. "#ValdoccoVive", in this sense, wants to revive the profound experience of the Valdocco courtyard in the times of Don Bosco. His presence was truly transforming for hundreds of young people and he was able to help vocations of all kinds to blossom, and all this happened not only by providing educational opportunities for young people, but also by creating an atmosphere of love, joy and a sense of community.
The first phase of the project is aimed at the core animating bodies of the different houses of the ARN Province. Through a number of community meetings to be held throughout the year, the animating team of this project will address five fundamental thematic areas proper to the Salesian charism: the family environment; loving-kindness and empathy; prayer and discernment; commitment and solidarity; and, finally, the dimensions of the project and the community.
The "#ValdoccoVive" initiative aims to connect with the authentic values of the original Valdocco experience, to accompany young people in their vocational orientation for life.
To learn more about this proposal, you can watch the video presentation of the #ValdoccoVive project or visit the page: https://donbosconorte.org.ar/valdoccovive/