Fr Moreno Ruiz is 57 years old, having been born in Concepción on 11 September 1965. He met the Salesians at the Salesian school in Concepción, which he attended as a student and where he was involved in pastoral activities and youth groups.
His parents are Fabriciano Moreno and María Mercedes Ruiz, and they still live in the city of Concepción.
Fr Moreno Ruiz did all his initial formation in Santiago, professing his first vows on 31 January 1987. He made his perpetual profession on 8 August 1992 in Santiago-La Florida and was ordained a priest on 6 August 1994 in Santiago.
His first years as a priest were spent at San José Institute in Punta Arenas and in the Salesian school in Concepción, where he worked in pastoral ministry. From 2001 to 2006 he was the Rector of the Salesian community in Puerto Natales and from 2006 to 2012 Rector of the Salesian community in Puerto Montt.
From 2012 to 2017 he was Provincial Economer and Rector of the Provincial House. In 2018 he became Rector of Gratitud Nacional, in the centre of Santiago, and since 2019 has been Rector in Puerto Montt, where he is currently.
Fr Moreno Ruiz will succeed Fr Carlo Lira Airola as Provincial, who will end his six-year term in January 2024.