Spain – Final festivities and school competitions for the 75th anniversary of the Salesian centre in Cambados

22 June 2023

(ANS – Cambados) – The Salesians in Cambados, Galicia, are celebrating their 75th anniversary during 2023. The final festivities for this commemoration will take place in November, but celebrations are scattered throughout the year. Last May, a Literary and Intelligence Competition was held. On Saturday, 17 June, the Past Pupils celebration took place, a ceremony in honour of all past pupils from the school – including, moreover, the current Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, and the international singer-songwriter and composer Amancio Prada.

On the occasion of the Past Pupils Celebration, more than 140 people from the north-western part of Spain gathered to share their memories of the time spent at the school and get themselves up to date with subsequent events in an atmosphere that has always maintained its Salesian flavour.

The celebration began for everyone with the affectionate and personal greeting of the Rector Major, unable to participate in person because of the work of the General Council underway in Turin. All those present also received a greeting from the Director of the school. They had the opportunity to revisit places around the school, and to take part in a special evening featuring them, and at the end of which Amancio Prada spoke about himself openly in a special conversation. In addition, they celebrated the Eucharist together in gratitude for the 75 years of the school’s Salesian life.

Before this event, in May, several other activities had already taken place celebrating the anniversary, and which had an impact on the life of the surrounding area. The Literary Competition for the 75th Anniversary and the Intelligence competition, for example, were two offerings open to all students from primary school, higher education and basic vocational training in Cambados and Castrelo. In addition, the Sports and Leisure Day was shared with the public San Tomé de Cambados public school.

The literary and intelligence competitions were open to all schools in the area, and prizes consisted of a certificate and cash voucher for the top three winners to spend on school supplies or clothing. The organisation of both competitions and prizes provided an opportunity o strengthen collaboration between the Parents Association at the school and the bookstores in Cambados.

The winners award ceremony was also attended by Tino Cordal Rodríguez, first Deputy Mayor of the Cambados Municipality, himself a former student of the school, who presented the awards together with the Principal, Asunción Rodríguez Tesouro.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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