Democratic Republic of Congo – Assembly of mission animation groups

08 February 2022

(ANS - Goma) - On Saturday 5 February, at the "Don Bosco - Ngangi" Youth Center, in Goma, the first assembly of representatives of the Salesian mission animation groups of the "St Joseph" Delegation of the African Central Province was held. The AFC-EST includes works from the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The assembly was attended by Salesian trainees from all the Salesian houses of AFC-EST (the Ngangi center, the "ITIG" Industrial Technical Institute, the "Boscolac", and the presence of Shasha in Goma; plus the houses in Bukavu and Uvira), together with Sister Marie-Pierrette Mwange, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, with three girls, and the members of the ITIG Missionary Circle. Leading the work sessions were the Salesians Fr Jean-Pierre Muhima Mutaka and André Kazembe.

After the initial greetings and welcome, in his introductory speech Fr Muhima Mutaka, Councilor in charge of the AFC-EST Salesian Youth Ministry, recalled the purpose of the meeting: to revitalize the various missionary circles and to foresee the creation of a group of Salesian mission animation in the presences of the Delegation which still lack it.

“In the past, missionary groups have played an effective role as instruments of formation and mission activity in the Church and in the congregation,” he added. And in this regard, he remarked that every baptized person is sent, and every Christian, as such, is a missionary. Why, he underscored, the way and the awareness with which this task or responsibility that belongs to us is fulfilled becomes important.

Fr André Kazembe, Rector of the Salesian Community of Uvira and responsible for Salesian animation within the "St. Joseph" Delegation, spoke next. “The Church is missionary by nature,” he began, “and our Salesian vocation places us in the heart of the Church and, consequently, makes us missionaries. From the very beginning, Don Bosco wanted the Salesians to adopt a real commitment to evangelization.”

He then recommended to the various leaders of the missionary circles to introduce young people to the missionary spirit for the greater glory of God and the salvation of the young themselves because, he continued, “today we are called to keep alive the missionary and apostolic zeal of Don Bosco, our Founder, in the vicissitudes of the time and also in the new challenges that present themselves to us in the region.” “We must find new ways to present the person of Jesus Christ to everyone, especially the young,” he then concluded.

The day, which began at 8 in the morning, then included other moments of work, discussion and debate, and ended at 3 p.m. local time in an atmosphere of general satisfaction for having deepened and relaunched the Salesian missionary commitment.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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