- Morocco – Rector Major in Kenitra: "let us try to work together for the happiness of young people"
- Morocco – First official visit of a Rector Major in the country: "It is faith that makes us live"
- Morocco - Monsignor Cristóbal Lopez, SDB: "We await the Holy Father as the servant of hope"
- Morocco - Don Bosco Festival in Kenitra
- Morocco - First edition of Employment Forum
- Morocco - Mons. López on Pope's visit: "will help increase visibility of Morocco's living Church"
- Morocco - Migrants, Msgr. Cristóbal López Romero, SDB: "Outraged and sad about Europe's attitude"
- Morocco - Msgr Cristóbal López, SDB: "Relations with Muslims are generally very good"
- Morocco - "Now I understand Don Bosco!" Muslim teachers visit Salesian sites
- Morocco - Ordination of Archbishop of Rabat, Msgr. Cristóbal López, SDB: "The principle service ... is the service of love"