Spain – Four young Salesians participate in an inter-congregational formation experience in preparation for perpetual profession
Madrid, Spain – July 2023 – An inter-congregational formation experience took place from 4-11 July in the Claretian Colmenar Viejo House in Madrid, in which four young Salesians from the Salesian Provinces of Mary Help of Christians and St James the Greater Provinces took part, as a further step in their journey of personal discernment to discover what the Lord wants from each of them before asking for perpetual vows. The course was attended by 22 young religious in temporary vows from different Congregations, both male and female, accompanied by two formators, Brother Alejando Carbajo, a Claretian, and Sister Fabiola Pente, of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Mother of the Divine Shepherd. The formative experience revolved around three fundamental areas: an exploration of fundamental themes of religious life, such as awareness of community life and the following of Christ through the experience of the three vows; liturgy and shared moments of prayer through a serene and cared-for space for the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours and the celebration of the Eucharist; and inter-congregational sharing when the participants, in the evening, presented their respective charisms to the group. The meeting ended with a day of recollection to place what had been experienced in the Lord's hands.
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