India - Inaugural Mass of Centenary Youth Expo

28 October 2022

Shillong, India – October 2022 - Centering the celebration on God, the Centenary Youth Expo 2022 opened with a Holy Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Most Rev. Victor Lyngdoh, Archbishop of Shillong, and concelebrated by the Provincials of the various provinces of India and other priests. More than 1500 delegates from the three provinces of Guwahati, Dimapur, and Shillong Provinces of the Northeastern states of India gathered for the event. Other dignitaries present were the provincials of the members of the Salesian Family namely, Sr. Elizabeth George of the FMA Shillong Province, and Sr. Maria Goretti Sangma, the MSMHC Shillong Provincial. In his homily, the Prelate deemed it a privilege and joy to be in the gathering. Sharing his reflection on the Word of God, he stated the prevalent situation of the world, particularly the ongoing wars. To this, he said war will not bring any solution and we are to abide by God's promises and shall not give up. Archbishop Victor pointed out the two approaches to every problem; to match hatred to hatred and violence to violence. He continued by saying that these above approaches are never morally correct. He exhorted the youth to follow the values Jesus lived by: that of being harbingers of love and compassion. The liturgy was meaningfully animated by the various representatives of the three provinces and SYM Nongstoiñ as the choir group. At the introduction, Sr. Mildaris Marwein FMA considered the youth as the cup and portion of the Salesian charism and it is just a befitting manner to celebrate the centennial years together with them and pay homage to the missionaries who laid down their life for the Salesian mission.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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