Mr George Isoiamo, Mr Jayson Jim, Mr Greg Kuheu, Mr. Vincent Numbos and Mr Leo Paraha welcomed the participants, gave them an orientation to the program, organized interactive activities and games and saw to the smooth flow of the program. Praying the rosary, nature meditation and celebrating the sacraments gave the participants an opportunity to dwell on God’s presence in their lives and boost their spirituality. A simple Serenade of song, dance, and poems to honour and express our love for Our Blessed Mother was coordinated by Ms Marian Dai, Mr Greg, and Ms Joanna Eko. The participants were nourished physically by delicious meals. Every meal was well ahead of time and was laced with love, dedication, and prayer by the hospitality team, headed by Ms. Adi Lydia and the team. The Eucharistic celebrations and nature mediation were occasions to thank God for the beauty of nature all around. This was concretized through the planting of fruit trees.
The participants enjoyed the discipline, sessions, reflections, group work and games. Several expressed their gratitude for being part of the camp and their commitment to share what they have learnt. A number of participants mentioned that the duration of the camp could be longer to give them time to deepen their experience with God and interact closely with the other participants.
WANTOK Bosco, is an overnight camp experience that highlights spirituality and faith. It is the climax of the youth clubs at Don Bosco Technical School, Gabutu. The members of the clubs meet regularly for formation, fellowship, and service. The DBTS club members were joined by selected members from the youth groups of Sabama, Pari, Serokone, Gabatu and volunteers who organize the Sunday Oratory at Gabutu. All the participants were reminded that discipline, follow instructions and are committed to live their life of faith as Catholics and Christian’s was a prerequisite for the successful celebration of WANTOK Bosco.
Similar gatherings were held at other institutes who had the occasion to gather their youth leaders at their respective venues. The participants look forward to the World Youth Day and plan to raise funds for the event.
Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb, Social Communications