Timor-Leste - Celebration of St. Callisto Caravario

02 March 2022

Comoro, East Timor - February 2022 - On February 25, members of the Salesian Family of the Vice Province of East Timor (TLS) gathered in thanksgiving to God for the gift of St. Callisto Caravario, Patron of the Vice Province, martyred 92 years ago along with St. Luigi Versiglia. The celebration began with Mass presided by Fr Apolinário Neto, Superior of the TLS VP, and concelebrated by 12 Salesians, including missionary Fr Eligio Locatelli. In his homily, Fr Neto invited the Salesian Family to imitate the saint who offered his life for others, in the footsteps of Jesus. He also commemorated all the missionaries who came to the country, especially the Salesians who were part of the first missionary expedition to the country in 1927, including Callisto Caravario, who stayed there for almost three years. After the Mass, there was a charity event organized by the Past Pupils of Don Bosco, during which Fr Locatelli made an appeal to the participants to complete the construction of a church dedicated to St. Callisto Caravario in Uaimori. Also present at the event was another relevant missionary from East Timor, Deacon Baltasar Pires, SDB.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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