Brazil – Meeting of Brazil's General Councilor and Social Communication Delegates
Brasilia, Brazil - July 2020 - On the last day of July the Delegates for Social Communication (SC) of the Brazilian Provinces met by teleconference with the SC General Councilor, Fr Gildásio Mendes dos Santos. The Delegate of the Recife Province presented an overview of the articulation of the Delegates at the provincial and national level, starting from the delegate's role in the provincial organization, illustrated the state of the art of the coordination bodies of the Salesian SC in Brazil. In the second part of the meeting Fr Mendes dos Santos proposed a reflection on the new elements and new sensitivities in the field of communication that emerged from the magisterium of Pope Francis, which emphasizes discernment, process, culture of encounter and presence. He also spoke of the necessary synergy with Youth Ministry and the Salesian Family.
- Brazil – General Councilor for Social Communication meets Communication Delegates of Brazilian Provinces
- Great Britain – Meeting of the Central and Northern Europe Region for Social Communications
- Ethiopia – Online meeting of SC delegates of Africa-Madagascar Region
- Chile – Meeting of Salesian Bulletins in Americas: formation, synergy, cooperation
- Ecuador – Communicators of Salesian America foster working in synergy
- Brazil – Meeting of Salesian Latin American Radio
- RMG – Networking and synergy at online meeting of Social Communication of East Asia-Oceania
- Chile – Role of communication in Salesian educational environment
- RMG – Online meeting of Salesian publishers of Europe
- Ecuador – "Starting from cinema we answer to pastoral care"
- East Timor - Meeting of SYM and Social Communication commissions
- Brazil – Meeting of Provincial Delegates for Social Communication in Spanish: "Training for Social Communication is necessary"