(ANS – Myitkyina) – Don Bosco Vocation Training Center (DBVTC) in Myitkina (Kachin State – North of Myanmar) was open 15 years ago and is developing according the needs of the local youth in need. Among the 77 boys and 37 girls of DBVTC in Myitkina are many youngsters of 14-32 years of age with drug addiction experience. One of them, heading from traditional Catholic familiy and being active in his local villages, is happy to share his experience of being born again after a long nightmare with drug addiction.
(ANS - Rome) – In an open and frank discussion Fr José Pastor Ramírez shares a profound reflection after eight years at the Salesian Generalate in Rome as World Delegate for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco. Fr Ramírez is a native of the Dominican Republic. He answers a series of questions and states categorically: "The past pupils are the fruit of the Salesian mission and a force that leavens the world". They have just one passport, which is "the education received”.