In 1875, Don Bosco gathered around him a group of ten young people who were about to cross the Atlantic, a journey that for some would be without return. It was 4.00 pm, the shrine of Mary Help of Christians was full of people. At the foot of the image of Mary Help of Christians, Don Bosco greeted the young people soon departing with tears. He gave everyone a gift, a leaflet with "twenty special memories", memories of a father to those about to leave before the final embrace, writes Fr Ceria, symbol of his deep affection.
Whoever prophesies disasters has never been well received, even less so today. We are in an epoch where millions of people still believe in the myth that technology shall solve everything.
Man pushes cotton swab too far into ear and resets to factory settings
The novel "Brave New World", written in 1932, is undoubtedly one of the literary visions that most clearly anticipate the events we are experiencing. Its author, Aldous Huxley, realized that to make a mass production system work instead of subjugating people by force, it was necessary to do so by delivering small but constant rewards. People should have the illusion of happiness in consumption, so as to be willing to sacrifice their own freedom as well.