Poland - Towards World Youth Day in Krakow: information for participants

13 May 2016

(ANS - Krakow) – We are approaching the most important event for Youth Ministry in the jubilee year of mercy - World Youth Day in Krakow. This is a huge ecclesial and social event of special importance for a movement like that of the Salesian Family dedicated to service of young people. Here is some practical information to prepare for World Youth Day with the Salesian Family.

Salesian groups can register until 21 May 2016. To do so the Salesian group must complete and submit the form available on the website: http://krakow2016sym.pl/en/registration/ 

From the Organizing Committee: "On receipt of the registration form each group will be entered in the World Youth Day registration system. Then they will receive by email a link, which will serve to create a password for the system of registration and complete the registration. The registration form should be sent by 21 May 2016, while the completion of registration and payment will be possible in the WYD registration system until 30 June 2016."

The Feast of the Salesian Youth Movement at World Youth Day will be a further moment of joy in an already exciting program. The festival, to be held at the EXPO Fair in Krakow, will see the participation of about 5000 young people, with the Rector Major of the Salesians and the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The significance of the festival is to show the diversity of the charism of the Salesian Family in the various regions, national and social. All national or provincial groups are therefore invited to organize activities, concerts, exhibitions, competitions that present the character of the country, the culture, and how they live the Salesian charism in the different countries. To participate in the organization it is necessary to enrol on http://goo.gl/forms/oVynSdeHp0 

More information is available on the SYM website prepared for World Youth Day in Krakow at http://krakow2016sym.pl/en/   


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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